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Gas dosing in mechanical breathing assistance

For breathing assistance in emergency situations, in intensive care units and at home: Do you need gas mixers that accurately measure and control the volume, concentration and pressure of gases? Discover the integrated system solution for CPAP systems.

  • Beatmungsgerät und verschiedene Icons auf grauen Hintergrund
  • Icons, die Beatmung auf der Intensivstation, Notfallbeatmung und die Heimbeatmung darstellen
  • Die Bürkert Gasmischeinheit – kompakter Fluidblock

There are many reasons why people might need assistance with breathing: Underdeveloped lungs in premature infants and newborn babies, lung diseases, anaesthesia or even brain injuries. But one thing always applies: Breathing assistance must be tailored precisely to the situation.

Grafik zu Notfallbeatmung, die Beatmung auf der Intensivstation und die Heimbeatmung

Breathing assistance from newborn babies to adults

  • Be it breathing assistance for premature infants or adults: Mechanical breathing assistance utilises precise gas mixer systems such as the CPAP system (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure).
  • The task of gas dosing: Providing gases such as air and oxygen- at the right time, in the right volume and at the right pressure and mixing ratio.
  • Bürkert gas mixers for CPAP systems are compact, modular and individually configurable. They fit into all ventilation devices, regardless of the patient group.
Conventional solution
Many suppliers sell components but not complete system solutions with integrated valves and sensors. A lack of electronics means that the sub-system and its communication fail to work as a whole.
Mixture of air and oxygen
CPAP breathing assistance
Silent solution
Bürkert components such as the integrated valves reduce the noises normally generated by CPAP therapy – thereby saving patients unnecessary stress.
Technology where it is needed
The innovative solution enables up to 1200 breaths per minute, thereby opening up markets that were previously inaccessible to CPAP.

Gas control for ventilation devices

As a manufacturer of ventilation devices you have to meet strict standards. Make life easier for yourself:
Bürkert develops gas mixer systems for you – thereby simplifying your certification process.

  • You receive standardised, pre-configured gas mixer systems, including valves and sensors, instead of individual components.
  • The mixing ratio can be set digitally to between 21% and 100%.
  • The option of controlled oscillation or pulsation of the gas mixture allows you to adjust the concentration in real time.

A compact fluid block that can be adapted to all ventilation devices:

Electrical interface
for power supply and communication with the higher-level controller.
Proportional valves
High precision proportional valves control oxygen concentration, pressure and flow rate dynamically. Quite often even more precisely than medical standards demand:
  • Bürkert proportional valves operate without friction
  • with short response times
  • with a repeat accuracy of ± 0.25%
By way of comparison: The legally required deviation from the set value is ΔQ ≤ ± 2% at 20 litres per minute. Discover more about our proportional valves
Oxygen sensor
  • Air
  • Oxygen
  • Optional 3rd gas
Display connection
Switching valve
Compact fluid block
Adapted control electronics
with integrated sensory equipment
Mixing and measuring equipment

Gas control systems for ventilation – So you can breath freely:

There are special situations in life when our breathing needs support … 


Follow the development and manufacturing process of a modular fluid block in the video and see how it can benefit you as a ventilator manufacturer.

In our Bürkert system houses, we work together with you in partnership to develop individual solutions that are optimally designed to meet your expectations.


8 reasons for gas mixer systems from Bürkert:


Gas mixer systems and digital communication

A high exchange of information is important for ventilation devices. As patients with respiratory diseases always need the right amount of mixed breathing gas.

Gas mixers also require digital communication features:

  • To guarantee the gases are always perfect in terms of pressure, time, flow and mixing ratio
  • To guarantee the process is recorded fully
  • To guarantee errors are reported immediately

Digital connection made easy

For use in an intensive care unit, operating theatre, ambulance or at home: Bürkert gas mixer systems are connected directly to the higher-level controller via digital interfaces. This ensures automation of the processes.
High data availability is essential for breathing assistance at home: The relevant values are transmitted in real time to the responsible hospital.

Möglichkeiten der digitalen Anbindung im Einsatz auf der Intensivstation oder im OP, im Krankenwagen oder zu Hause

Gas mixer system: This is how you save development time

Which savings can be made when installing a preconfigured system? The example calculation shows: The systematic mixing of ventilation gases significantly reduces engineering costs.

Development of a medical gas mixer (service extract):

Designing a gas mixer in line with requirements, requires various development steps:

  1. Design of control valve, sensor and controller architecture: 15 hours
  2. Selection of supplier­ (incl. qualification): 40 hours
  3. Setup of the control loop as a prototype: 14 hours
  4. Testing with regard to target control parameters: 40 hours
  5. Design of the individual control loops for the prototype: 24 hours
Darstellung der Entwicklungsschritte, um einen Gasmischer zu konzipieren

Total time required to create the individual control loop for the prototype: 133 hours

Single control loop fully integrated in the system:

Instead of designing a gas mixer yourself, you can alternatively opt for a Bürkert gas mixer – fully tailored to your requirements.

Die Bürkert-Lösung beinhaltet alle Entwicklungsschritte, um einen Gasmischer zu konzipieren

Development time for all planning steps with Bürkert’s integrated system solution: 0 hours

Your advantage: You can then be sure of receiving the right valve, the right sensor and the necessary controller architecture – as a system you can rely on at all times.

When will you start using tailored configured gas dosing for mechanical breathing assistance?