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Flow control for CVD coating: Precise measurement and control

CVD metal coating: Consistent and accurate with Bürkert mass flow meters (MFM) and mass flow controllers (MFC)

  • Grafische Darstellung eines Teils einer Anlage zur CVD-Werkzeugbeschichtung
  • Grafische Darstellung von Werkzeugen, die CVD-beschichtet sind
  • Grafische Darstellung von Schwingungen zum Coriolis-Prinzip plus Massendurchflussmesser und Massendurchflussregler
  • Grafische Darstellung Bürkert- Massendurchflussregler plus Symbol Hand mit Daumen oben
  • Grafische Darstellung Massendurchflussregler mit Anbindung

CVD metal coating

Coatings make tools or metal surfaces wear resistant and durable. The coating processes include CVD, “Chemical Vapour Deposition”. CVD processes are based on the deposition of solids from the gas phase, also called chemical vapour deposition.

CVD is a thin film technology: Liquid material passes through a dosing system before it evaporates and enters a reactor. Gaseous material is deposited as a fine, solid film on the metal surface.
Bürkert mass flow meters (MFM) and mass flow controllers (MFC) are used in the dosing system to precisely dose microscopically small quantities of liquid.

Grafische Darstellung einer Anlage zur CVD-Werkzeugbeschichtung

Advantages of CVD metal coating

✓ Excellent adhesion and contour tracking of the layer
✓ Even with complex geometries
✓ Highest possible layer hardness


Coating solutions for tools: Typical challenges

Challenges for plant engineers
Time and cost pressure are increasing. With the number of variants, the amount of effort increases:

  • For procurement / logistics
  • For servicing existing plants

Versatile and easy-to-service components facilitate your work.

Challenges for coating specialists
Your offerings include as many tools as possible. The price categories vary, but the quality must always be the same.

  • The cost pressure is high
  • Savings in the coating process have a positive impact on your business

The solution: MFM and MFC for liquids

Bürkert Type 8756, configured as a mass flow meter (MFM) or a mass flow controller (MFC) as required.

Advantages of MFM and MFC for liquids

  • Maximum flow rate 25 kg/h
  • Highest measuring accuracy and repeatability
  • Also suitable for aggressive liquids
  • Including density and temperature measurements
  • Optional: Conformity to USP Class VI, FDA, EC 1935
Grafische Darstellung des Massendurchflussmessers 8756

Mass flow meter
MFM Type 8756

  • Measures liquid flow rates up to 25 kg/h
  • Designed for the smallest quantities and aggressive liquids
  • By measuring the flow with an accuracy of 0.2% of the measured value, it is one of the most accurate flowmeters for small liquid flow rates
Grafische Darstellung des Massendurchflussreglers 8756 mit Mikrozahnringpumpe

Mass flow controller
MFC Type 8756 with micro annular gear pump

  • Measures and controls the flow rate with a high level of precision
  • Precisely adjustable set-point flow rate value thanks to very high resolution and smooth operation of the pump
  • The pump is also suitable for aggressive liquids thanks to high-quality, wetted materials
  • Compact and space saving, the pump is installed directly on the MFC

Mass measurements: Precise to the µm scale

The MFM/MFC Type 8756 measures with unrivalled accuracy

  • You achieve high-precision layers
  • You can expand your range of coatings

One device for various liquids
The MFM/MFC Type 8756 is calibrated and adjusted independently of the medium and works with pure mass measurements. Your advantage: You can use the devices for any liquid.


Six arguments in favour of MFM/MFC Type 8756

Flow measurement using the Coriolis principle

The Bürkert Type 8756 mass flow meters and mass flow controllers are based on the Coriolis measuring principle. When coating tools and other metal surfaces, you can thus produce consistent quality:

  • You measure / control the flow rate values constantly and reliably
  • You achieve consistently accurate results as the devices are robust and vibration resistant
  • You measure the liquid mass independently of the medium, temperature or pressure

How the Coriolis principle works

Tube vibrations when liquid is flowing
Tube vibrations without medium
Mass flow meter MFM Type 8756
Mass flow controller MFC Type 8756 with micro annular gear pump

Bürkert flowmeters contain a measurement tube which is set into sinusoidal vibration (see deflection at time t1 in the illustration). Detectors at the start and end of the measurement tube pick up the corresponding deflection at specific points in time. As soon as a liquid flows through the tube, the tube is deflected with a phase shift at both ends at time t2. This phase shift is proportional to the mass flow and provides a conclusion on the mass flow.

Advantages of Coriolis
  • Universal measuring system for mass and density
  • Operates independently of conductivity, inlet/outlet sections, flow profile, medium density, pressure and temperature
  • Delivers precise results
  • Without moving parts

Interfaces for easy integration

Digital or analogue: Integration is easy. Use the provided interfaces and connect the MFCs/MFMs with very little effort to your plant.

Advantage of digital integration:

  • You save time when carrying out settings in follow-up projects
  • You can repeat your coating processes exactly at any time

Bürkert mass flow meters and controllers come with a configuration memory. This saves all the settings, which obviously facilitates device changeover.

MFC Type 8756 with micro annular gear pump
SIM card configuration memory

MFM/MFC Type 8756 pays off

A smart investment in the long run: Operation and quality assurance of Bürkert mass meters are a lot less expensive than with conventional solutions – meaning your investment is recovered much sooner.

Assumptions 1st example calculation:

  • Initial equipment of an existing plant with two devices
  • Plant runs 24 hours a day
  • Processing of 100 parts takes 4 hours plus 2 hours for process changeover, resulting in 4 processes and 400 parts a day
  • In one year, i.e. 200 working days, 80,000 parts are produced

10-year consideration for plant operating costs

Conventional solution volume flow meter
Bürkert solution mass meter with Coriolis


1. Replacement demand / 2. Maintenance/Repair costs / 3. Plant downtime costs


Quality assurance costs / Based on the assumption of a one per cent influence due to this flow measurement and an average €350 for the quality inspection.

Assumptions 2nd example calculation:

  • Number of produced parts per day / year: 400 / 80,000
  • Costs for inspecting a part: €350
Stricter inspection (assumption 10% inspection)
Reduced inspection (assumption 2% inspection)
Bürkert solution mass meter with Coriolis
Conventional solution volume flow meter

Do you want to dose liquids precisely and coat metal surfaces perfectly? Contact us. We look forward to your call.