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    The type 2835 is not available anymore since 31/12/2013.

    The successor types are (can be a little different because of the update): 2865, 2875

    Please contact us for a consultation regarding the most suitable successor article for your requirements.

    Type 2835 - Direct-acting 2/2 way Solenoid Control Valve

    Type Description

    The direct-acting proportional valve Type 2835 can be used as a control valve for process control and is suitable for technical vacuum. Low hysteresis, high repeatability and high sensitivity ensure superior regulation behaviour. Thanks to an elastomeric sealing, the valve closes tightly and securely.

    • High sensitivity
    • 0 to 25 bar
    • DN 2 to 8 mm
    • G 3/8 and G 1/2

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Additional information PX011-PX12-PX13 | Use in the explosion-hazardous area 505,7 kB EN / EU
    MAN 取扱説明書 Type 2821 2822 2824 283X| 制御エレクトロニクス搭載比例バルブ 476,4 kB EN,FR,DE / JP
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2821 2822 2824 283X | Proportional valve with control electr. 843,9 kB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Info Suppl PX011-PX12-PX13 | Utilisation dans zone à risqued'explosion 505,8 kB FR / FR
    MAN Zusatzinformation PX011-PX12-PX13 | Einsatz im Ex-Bereich 505,9 kB DE / DE

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 854,1 kB EN,FR,DE